Rethink and develop green cities in Morocco | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation

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Policy case
Rethink and develop green cities in Morocco

To tackle the environmental challenges and building resilience for cities in Morocco, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) supports the Government of Morocco in the creation of a low-carbon city model by developing methodologies, action plans and implementation tools to establish green and socially inclusive cities and territories by designing green territory projects for financing and implementation.


Morocco is extremely vulnerable to climate change and is subject to water scarcity, land degradation, energy dependence, pollution and natural resource depletion. These environmental challenges encourage rural migration, putting urban areas and their limited capacities and services under even more strain.


The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) supports the Government of Morocco in the creation of a low-carbon city model by developing methodologies, action plans and implementation tools to establish green and socially inclusive cities and territories by designing green territory projects for financing and implementation.


The impact of this project will fulfil a part of Morocco’s NDC no. 9 which is should build a low-carbon city centred on optimized energy, transport and waste management (GGGI, 2021).

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