The City of Cape Town pledges to accept only 100% recyclable plastics | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
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The City of Cape Town pledges to accept only 100% recyclable plastics

The City of Cape Town along with the World Wide Fund for Nature and other stakeholders has set up a South African Plastics Pact, joining the global Plastics Pact Network. To avoid plastics from harming the environment, the pact seeks to reform the way plastic products and packaging are manufactured, used, and recycled by setting ambitious goals to be reached by 2025, such as creating a closed-loop by 100% plastic packaging being reusable, recyclable or compostable, making at least 70% of plastic packaging to be effectively recycled, and 30% average post-consumer recycled content across all plastic packaging.


Keeping plastics out of the economy and out of the ecosystem is a major problem all over the world. According to research conducted by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, eight million tonnes of plastic leak into the ocean each year, and in a business-as-usual scenario, by 2050 there will be more plastic in the ocean by weight than fish. 


South Africa has joined the global Plastics Pact Network, which is organized by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and also includes Chile, France, Portugal, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom as members. The South African Plastic Pact was formed to change the way plastic products and packaging are designed, used and reused to prevent plastics from ending up in the environment. The organization has set out targets to be reached by 2025, which are the following: 100% of plastic packaging being reusable, recyclable or compostable in a closed-loop system, 70% of plastic packaging effectively recycled and 30% average post-consumer recycled content across all plastic packaging.


The South African Plastic Pact facilitates plastic reduction and job creation while providing a supportive forum and incentive for innovation, discussion, and cooperation around circular goals. The organization has involved many companies and stakeholders already to join their cause. Lastly, they have organized an innovation challenge to encourage and involve the public in taking action, where companies and startups could showcase their innovative sustainable products and receive funding as the prize.

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