ReTuna recycle mall | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation

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Business case
ReTuna recycle mall

The world’s first recycle mall has been established in Eskilstuna, Sweden: almost everything sold at ReTuna is repurposed or upcycled, and the remainder is required to be environmentally ethical. A drop-off centre sits next to the mall, so people can easily donate the things they no longer want—preventing a huge amount of products from going to landfill. Before reselling, staff members repair and refurbish items (like electronics)—and they also offer workshops where they teach people these skills. The mall has 14 stores, and sells a range of products: clothing, electronics, sporting equipment, furniture, toys and more.


Once people are done with an item, it most likely goes to landfill; this has a huge impact on emissions and further drives a consumerist culture that prioritises new over used. Nonetheless, the municipality of Eskilstuna hopes to become a ‘green role model’, and spread awareness for sustainability and the circular economy. Local politicians and entrepreneur Anna Bergstrom are doing so with their creation of the ReTuna Återbruksgalleria.


The ReTuna Återbruksgalleria was opened to the public in summer 2015: a ‘regular’ style mall with shops selling toys, furniture, clothing, decor and electronics—but all these items are secondhand. Residents of Eskilstuna can drop off unused items at the mall’s depot, which are then distributed to different shops. The shops’ staff often perform repairs—especially for electronics—or carries out upcycling projects before reselling the items. ReTuna’s creator aimed to create a pleasant, modern space that would transcend the negative associations people may have with charity or secondhand shops. The space is multifunctional, with ‘climate smart’ conference and meeting rooms also available within the mall, as well as a café.


The mall has been a resounding success and has gained significant media traction. It has become the subject of several international documentaries and news articles, and its creation has established more than 50 new jobs. The business concept has been a success as well, with the mall gaining more than a million euros in revenue in 2018.

Additional information

Photo retrieved from ReTuna website

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