A policy for green spaces in Amsterdam | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Policy case
A policy for green spaces in Amsterdam

Aside from preserving the last remaining natural places, we need to create new ones—especially in cities. Amsterdam is making its first steps in this direction. The Structural Vision Amsterdam 2040 sets out the City of Amsterdam’s strategy in relation to green space. The Green Vision 2020-2050 outlines what the City will do until 2050 to become a greener city.

Although the relationship between biodiversity and the circular economy is not entirely clear cut, it is becoming increasingly clear how circularity can be integrated in many of the solutions based, derived, and inspired by nature to upscale environmental, economic and social benefits. Amstedam is focusing on green space. The focus of the city's vision for green spaces is on parks, connections and accessibility, forest management, climate proofing and biodiversity and neighbourhood green space. Parks and forests, such as the Amsterdam Forest (Amsterdamse Bos), with its unique combination of park, woodland, water and nature, should be used less intensively, maintained more frequently and be better connected and accessible to increase their value to the community. Green roofs are the ideal setting for circualr nature-based solutions that can absorb, store, filter and purify rainwater, in turn reducing flood risks and slow down the run-off into the street, transforming urban vegetated spaces into vibrant centres for the community, all while increasing climate proofing and biodiversity. In addition, when temperatures are high, green space has a cooling effect produced by evaporation. Finally, the city encourages residents to work on green space themselves, and provides subsidy where possible, for example for the planting of wall gardens (a narrow border for plants along the front of a house or apartment building), green façades or roof gardens, to grow vegetables or increase the neighbourhood green space.

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