Added: Oct 01, 2020
Last edited: Sep 15, 2021
Following a comprehensive multi-stakeholder consultation effort, the Urban- LEDS City of Bogor reviewed its existing spatial planning frameworks and strategically integrated low emission development into its 5-year Development Plan. A comprehensive Strategic Environment Assessment also increased awareness and efforts across the city government for energy efficiency and other low emissions development working areas.
The 5-year mid-term Development Plan (RPJMD), which speaks to Bogor's determination to strategically implement LEDS, prioritizes: introducing integrated low-emission transportation systems that emphasize pedestrians and cyclists; establishing city-wide waste management schemes and facilities; the development of green building standards to accelerate the use of low emission development technologies, materials, and design strategies; improving spatial planning and urban development projects to reduce vulnerability to climate-related risks; and enhancing accessibility and user-friendliness of urban facilities in general, in order to improve overall quality of life.