A waste sorting and a processing plant to transform plastic waste into bricks was built in Agbalilamè Houègo, a village in the commune of Sèmè-Kpodji, in the Agblangandan district of south-eastern Benin. These bricks are made entirely of recycled plastic and are 40% cheaper and 20% lighter compared to clay bricks. Additionally, they are waterproof, fire resistant, well insulated and designed to withstand high winds. After Côte d’Ivoire, Benin will be the second country in Africa to host such a facility.
Prioritise regenerative resources
Use waste as a resource
Design for the future
Regenerative materials
Valorise waste streams - closed loop
Valorise waste streams - open loop
Design out waste
Design for cyclability
Design for durability
Material efficiency
Reusable, recyclable materials and inputs
Design for minimal waste
Design for recycling
Design for physical durability
Ecological Impact
Social Impact
Economic Impact
Cost Savings
Minimise Waste (SDG12)
Materials and Fuels
Societal Services
Construction and Infrastructure
Education and Government Services
Construction Materials and Products
Chemical and Plastic
Agbalilamè Houègo