At BINN Group, the focus on circular economy principles are embedded in the vision, values and mindset of the organisation. Set up 20-years ago, BINN Group has evolved from a landfill-based company to one primarily involved in the collection and sorting of commercial and industrial waste. Today, the company has a fleet of about 50 vehicles to collect waste and 62 acres of land to process and recycle waste. They directly employ over 130 people, many from local communities, and run waste training for their staff. They achieved a 90% recycling and recovery rate.
In 2018, Scotland’s household recycling rate was 44.7% and that of waste from all sources 60.7%, a decrease of 0.9% and increase of 1.1%, respectively, from 2017. Scotland is working to reduce waste production and increase recycling rates. The Scottish Landfill Tax and the impending biodegradable landfill ban underpin these efforts. By 2025, the Scottish Government aims to reduce total waste arising in Scotland by 15% against 2011 levels; reduce food waste by 33% against 2013 levels; recycle 70% of remaining waste and send no more than 5% of remaining waste to landfill. Scotland is also committed to matching the EU ambition to make all plastic packaging economically recyclable or reusable by 2030. Making Things Last, Scotland’s circular economy strategy, sets out how Scotland will aim to achieve these targets. However, more reprocessing capacity needs to be developed locally. In 2018, Scotland exported 1,662,903 tonnes of waste.
At BINN Group, the focus on circular economy principles are embedded in the vision, values and mindset of the organisation. With its principles and values, the company is contributing to Scotland's waste menagement goals. Set up 20-years ago, BINN Group has evolved from a landfill-based company to one primarily involved in the collection and sorting of commercial and industrial waste, with some domestic waste collection from household skip hire. Today, the company has a fleet of about 50 vehicles to collect waste and 62 acres of land to process and recycle waste. They directly employ over 130 people, many from local communities, and run waste training for their staff. Waste is sorted and recyclables are bulked and sent for reprocessing. 14% of residual waste is used for the onsite manufacture of Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) and some is sent to a nearby Waste-to-Energy (WTE) plant. Landfill is used for hazardous waste like asbestos. So far, they achieved a 90% recycling and recovery rate.
Over the years, the company has witnessed significant changes in roles. The introduction of the Material Recycling Facility caused a decrease in the number of drivers and office staff and an increase in technicians operating different facilities on site. In the future, the company sees this trend continuing with more opportunities for operators to work at different plants. Nevertheless, the UK has a skills gap of Class 1 and 2 drivers which impacts the resource management sector.
Additionally, the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the role of waste collection and drivers who were hailed as key workers raising the profile of the waste industry. Specifically, due to the reduction in staff numbers, BINN Group expects the future focus to be on job sharing, transferability of skills, and training individuals, as roles diversify, and responsibilities widen. For example, the company realises the role its collectors and drivers play in educating the public about waste segregation within the workplace coupled with a certain degree of maintaining customer service. They are the face of the company. BINN Group believes the integration of advice and customer service will continue to develop as the types and amount of waste streams that are collected may evolve over time.
Use waste as a resource
Rethink the business model
Material efficiency
Reusable, recyclable materials and inputs
Open loop collection
Using open loop recycled materials
Generating energy from waste
Processing waste into fuel