Remanufacturing and Reusing Earthquake Debris in Port au Prince | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Business case
Remanufacturing and Reusing Earthquake Debris in Port au Prince

**Overview** "The overall objective was to investigate the possibility for converting debris into materials for vertical construction, specifically housing Create value chains for debris removal and housing delivery suited for small and/or informal businesses" **Key Takeaways** Create value chains for debris removal and housing delivery in Haiti after the earthquake 2010 There was massive debris after the earthquake and at the same time scarcity of suitable sand and gravel. The underlying idea was to investigate to what extent the debris included cement and lime that had not reacted when originally cast and how much they could be reactivated and add to the quality of future cement based products if used in concrete. **Project Achievements** Although the debris was tested successfully in the laboratory, it was not implemented as the debris was no longer available for use **Project Stakeholders** UNDP commissioned the study, EcoSur network implemented it with specialists from the Cuban Institute "CIDEM" **Main Lessons** We were unable to apply the learnings from the lab due to time running out, slow decision making and some bureaucrazy. **Conclusions of the Study** 1 - The debris can be recycled as aggregate for manufacturing concrete, it is recommend to use water-reducing admixtures. It can be used as masonry mortar 2 - The debris is a good alternative for the manufacture of items such as micro-concrete tiles and ferrocement panels . 3 - The debris can be used in ordinary structural concrete with a characteristic strength of 20.0 MPa. " **Additional Keywords:** Circularity, Construction, Closing-the-loop

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