Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan and Vulnerability Assessment - Belgrade | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Policy case
Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan and Vulnerability Assessment - Belgrade

The City of Belgrade developed a Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan and Vulnerability Assessment within the regional project “Climate Change Adaptation in the Western Balkans” implemented by the German International Cooperation Agency (GIZ).

The vulnerability assessment analyses extreme weather events in the past and assesses the current vulnerability to extreme weather events in Belgrade. Future risks and opportunities are based on climate data for the city of Belgrade in the present time period and on climate projections as well as on the results of the vulnerability assessment for the city of Belgrade.

The action plan includes a list of measures and activities that will be undertaken to adapt to climate change, including responsibilities, time frame, i.e. description of short–term measures and activities (until 2017); medium–term measures and activities (until 2020); long–term measures and activities (until 2025) and prioritization of measures. Climate measures of the Action Plan include green infrastructure, green open spaces, green alleys, green roofs, flood protection, water retentions, water saving and reuse, water drainage, extension of water supply services, rain water storage, urban planning to avoid flood risk, Belgrade Climate Atlas, urban setting, urban texture, heat adapted design, flood adapted design, awareness raising and behavior change. The purpose of monitoring the implementation of the Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan is to understand whether the project or activities deliver the planned benefits and to adjust the measures and activities to potentially changing conditions and new knowledge.

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Photo by Nikola Cirkovic on Unsplash

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