ECAP is €3.6 million EU LIFE funded project which aims to reduce clothing waste across Europe and embed a circular economy approach. The project runs for three and a half years, ending in March 2019. Objectives and targets The focus of ECAP is to adopt a circular approach to divert clothing waste from landfill and incineration across Europe. Specifically it aims to: \- Divert over 90 tonnes of clothing waste from landfill and incineration. \- Reduce the carbon, water and waste footprints of clothing in Europe. \- Ensure that fewer low grade textiles go to incineration and landfill. \- Prevent waste in the clothing supply chain. \- Encourage innovation in resource-efficient design, recycling of textile fibres and service models to encourage business growth in the sector. \- Influence consumers to buy smarter and use clothing for longer by using the existing Love Your Clothes consumer campaign.