Water in Circular Economy and Resilience (WICER) Online quick assessment tool | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
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Water in Circular Economy and Resilience (WICER) Online quick assessment tool


The World Bank has developed the Water in Circular Economy and Resilience (WICER) Framework to guide practitioners achieve three main outcomes: 1) deliver resilient and inclusive services, 2) design out waste and pollution, and 3) preserve and regenerate natural systems. The purpose of this WICER quick assessment tool is to familiarize the user with the WICER concept, help assess if the project, system or city is WICER and finally present solutions, guidelines and resources to become circular and resilience while achieving economic and financial benefits.

CHECK THE TOOL HERE: https://www.wicer-tool.com/

Additional information


The tool can be used by and individual, a team, or in an interactive workshop with key stakeholders. The questions in the tool focus on assessing a project, but the tool can also be used at different levels, depending on what the user wants to assess (a project, utility, city, region, etc.). The user just needs to substitute “the project” for “the city”, “the region” etc. Therefore, the audience for this tool are project leaders, water utilities, city governments, regional governments and line ministries.

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Water in Circular Economy and Resilience (WICER) Framework - Report