Sustainable Textiles Switzerland (STS) is contributing in achieving the SDGs in the Swiss textile and clothing sector | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
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Sustainable Textiles Switzerland (STS) is contributing in achieving the SDGs in the Swiss textile and clothing sector

Responsible bodies for Sustainable Textiles Switzerland 2030 are the three associations Swiss and the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) provide strategic support in the steering committe and the office is run by the sustainability firm ecos.

As a multi-stakeholder program, STS 2030 supports key actors in the Swiss textile and clothing sector to act in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and to implement transparent sustainability measures in their organizations. With a large part of textile production taking place outside of Switzerland, the program will at the same time be internationally coordinated and specifically tailored to the requirements of the Swiss context. In the long term, the multi-stakeholder program thereby contributes to the sustainable development as well as the competitiveness of the sector along the entire value chain.

After an initial mapping, these targets and clear measures how to reach them were defined (Mai 2021). This approach provided a roadmap on how to implement international targets in the Swiss context and how to communicate transparently on their progress. In order to achieve the greatest possible impact, the activities of Sustainable Textiles Switzerland 2030 are aligned with similar national and international initiatives. Additionally, Sustainable Textiles Switzerland 2030 stimulates sustainable supply and demand by transferring knowledge on sustainable textile production and consumption.

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Photo on STS website

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