Circular electronics in Berlin | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation

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Policy case
Circular electronics in Berlin

Circularity in the electronical sector still has a long way to go. A roadmap has thus been developed in Berlin to spur circularity in this sector in Berlin.


In Berlin, Germany and overall in the EU, the ambition of a greenhouse gas-neutral and resource-productive circular economy is far from being achieved.


To scale up ambition for circular electrical and electronic appliances, a transformation roadmap was developed, with the financial support of the city of Berlin, as part of the Circular City Berlin project. It displays how circularity, and particularly in electrical and electronic equipment, can be implemented in Berlin. Three strategies need to be pursued: the initiation of model projects for a circular city, the cooperative mobilization of resources in structural-political networks and, the establishment and development of structures with leverage effect.


With low-threshold programs, innovative applications and actors in Berlin will be better addressed. The success of this project lies in the creation of a comprehensive networked infrastructure for open workshops. Green public procurement is also expected to promote and establish circular electrical and electronic equipment. Finally, regulatory and standardization processes in favour of circularity are likely to be targeted and reshaped through international networking.

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Photo by Elly Filho on Unsplash

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