Supporting local waste pickers in Brazil | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Supporting local waste pickers in Brazil
Today Brazil has many waste pickers and little recycling. Officially, only around 300 tons of Sao Paulo's 12'000 tons of daily waste are recycled. However, with the help of over 400,000 catadores across the country, four-fifths of the city's waste is collected and recycled for a small profit. Cataki is an app that connects Brazilians to their local catadores, or waste pickers. Nearby catadores can be visualised on a map, which leads to more efficient recycling through this system as well as a steadier income for catadores. So far, 2,100 catadores are verified on the app, which has had 160,000 downloads. Perhaps most importantly of all, Cataki is breaking down social barriers and removing the stigma attached to being a waste picker.