Predictive Shelf Life Technology: Reducing Waste and Enhancing Freshness in the Fresh Produce Industry | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation

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Predictive Shelf Life Technology: Reducing Waste and Enhancing Freshness in the Fresh Produce Industry

Strella predicts shelf life to reduce food waste and improve quality in the produce supply chain


Food waste is a significant issue, with approximately one-third of all food being wasted before it reaches consumers. In the fresh produce industry, this wastage occurs due to a lack of accurate prediction of shelf life and quality, leading to suboptimal decision-making at various stages of the supply chain. Farmers, packers, retailers, and importers all face challenges in minimizing waste, improving freshness, and supporting sustainable agricultural efforts.


Strella offers a game-changing solution by leveraging predictive technology to accurately predict the shelf life and maturity of produce. Their innovative platform provides real-time monitoring of produce maturity, enabling stakeholders in the supply chain to make informed decisions and take proactive measures to reduce waste and enhance freshness.

For packers, Strella's technology improves packouts by providing real-time maturity monitoring. This enables packers to make precise decisions based on the optimal ripeness of the produce, reducing waste and ensuring that only high-quality items are selected for packaging.

Retailers benefit from Strella's solution by reducing shrink and improving the overall quality of produce in grocery stores. By having visibility into the freshness and ripeness of different types of produce, retailers can make more accurate inventory management decisions, resulting in improved customer satisfaction and reduced waste.

Importers also benefit from Strella's predictive technology by being able to predict the maturity of produce within shipping containers. This empowers them to make informed slotting decisions, optimizing the handling and distribution process while maintaining freshness and minimizing waste.

Ultimately, Strella's solution benefits all stakeholders in the fresh produce industry. By providing visibility into produce quality and supporting sustainable efforts in agriculture, Strella's technology enables better decision-making at every stage of the supply chain.


By accurately predicting the shelf life of produce, Strella's solution enables stakeholders to minimize waste throughout the supply chain. This leads to a significant reduction in the amount of fresh produce that goes to waste, positively impacting both economic and environmental factors.

Furthermore, the improved freshness and quality of produce in grocery stores enhance the overall customer experience. Customers can enjoy fresher, tastier produce, leading to increased satisfaction and potentially higher sales for retailers.

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Photo by Bruna Branco on Unsplash

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