WHITE PAPER on Pathways for Extended Producer Responsibility on the road to a Circular Economy | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation

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Article / Report
WHITE PAPER on Pathways for Extended Producer Responsibility on the road to a Circular Economy

This white paper presents an analysis of the key strengths and limitations of the current

organization of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in the Netherlands. Based on our

analysis, we present three pathways for improving EPR for the circular economy.


Extended Producer Responsibility was developed in response to high levels of waste and pressures on public authorities. After 30 years, we reevaluate the effectiveness of this policy approach to contribute comprehensively to circular economy.


We propose several pathways:

Pathway 1 – Optimizing EPR as an instrument for post-user circularity:

Collection and recycling goals must be balanced with promoting product lifetime extension (repair, refurbishment, remanufacturing, material recycling). The companies engaged in these actions must be formally integrated within EPR in an additional ‘circular value chain management organization’.

Pathway 2 – Re-designing EPR as an instrument for circular economy transformations

Pathway 2 builds on Pathway 1, and it focuses on targets and financial mechanisms for sustainable and circular product design.

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