Nexus solutions for the development of the North-West Sahara aquifer system | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Policy case
Nexus solutions for the development of the North-West Sahara aquifer system

Algeria, Tunisia and Libya are water-scarce regions where the groundwater represents over 30% in Algeria, about 50% in Tunisia and more than 80% in Libya of renewable water resources. The current water extraction from the aquifer greatly exceeds the recharge capacity and puts sustainable development at high risk. To decrease the extraction the Nexus solution for the development of the North-West Sahara aquifer system was developed.


Agriculture is the largest water consumer in Tunisia, Algeria and Libya: water consumption on average is around 11,000 m3/ha but could reach in the future about  16,800 m3 / ha. This inefficient irrigation leads to salinization and further loss of soil fertility. Circular economy solutions through non-conventional water resources and renewable energy including strategies of financing brackish and wastewater recovery as well as transboundary sharing of information and experience about renewable energy could help the sustainable transformation of this region.


To work against the challenges which the countries are facing the NWSAS Nexus Assessment was developed and is an outcome of a participatory process that included national consultations and two transboundary workshops. The nexus assessment has helped identify key linkages among energy, water, land, and ecosystem resources, together with potential solutions for making resource management sustainable and efficient. 


The nexus package includes 15 high-priority, implementable solutions ranging from governance and international cooperation, to economic and policy instruments, infrastructure and innovation. The solutions are broken down into 65 actions in the water, energy, food, and environment sectors.

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