Electric ferry simulation | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Business case
Electric ferry simulation

Havyard Ship Technology is leading the building and development of electric ferries in Norway. Havyard LAB a branch within the company har developed a three-step tool to simulate design and give an emission overview of ferries. This allows for customization for the clients and the possibility to choose the most sustainable option.


Norway is a country with many fjords and long distances. Many people are therefore dependent on ferries to travel. The ferries, normally running on fossil fuels are a large source of emissions. According to DNV GL emission from ships in Norway is responsible for 9 % of the total emission, from this ferries are responsible for almost 50%. There is therefore a high potential for reducing emission by electrifying the ferry transport of Norway.


Havyard LAB is now delivering a three-step tool that is unique in a commercial context. It is introduced to allow shipping companies to perfect ship designs step by step. This simulation is available for building new electric ferries.


This process will result in a ship that is carefully adapted to its work and the waters in which it will be operating, while also cutting energy consumption, emissions and operating costs.

We simulated the different design options and demonstrated that the customer could reduce the energy consumption significantly by choosing one alternative instead of the other. With ferries from Havyard, Fjord 1 har become the most sustainable ferry company with 40% of their fleet being electric.

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