Easy and Innovative Way to Tackle Organic Waste Issues by The Waste Transformers | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
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Easy and Innovative Way to Tackle Organic Waste Issues by The Waste Transformers

The issue of food waste produced by various industries has been a global problem, as it leaves a larger footprint on the environment than plastic straws do. To address this, Waste Transformers have created an innovative and easy way to generate value from organic waste by developing an on-site anaerobic digester, which turns food waste into biogas, heat, and electricity. Their solution provides many businesses to leave a significant positive impact on their community and environment.


Currently, food waste is at the center of many global challenges. A reduction in food waste will have a game-changing impact on natural resource depletion and degradation, national security, and climate change. Many industries contribute largely to this problem, such as for example hospitability and tourism sectors or community and educational facilities. Companies and municipalities have an important role to play in setting an example and lead the reduction of organic waste recycling into value.


Waste Transformers have developed commercial garbage disposal into positive value on-site with our innovative food waste solution. They built an on-site containerized anaerobic digester, called a Waste Transformer. It is placed next to companies or in communities that produce organic (food) waste. Biodegradable waste, such as kitchen waste, and commercial waste is automatically turned into biogas, or electricity and heat, without any technical knowledge needed. The waste can also be turned into liquid organic fertilizer and compost. Different sizes recycle between 500kg - 3600kg organic waste per day.


Their technology gives organic waste producers the power to generate value from their food waste. Not only in terms of sustainability and finances, but also for PR opportunities. Local communities who live around food waste producers can use organic fertilizer and compost to grow local crops that can be consumed locally. Pressure on landfills will be reduced and companies can show a practical solution to their waste streams as one of the biggest greenhouse gas polluters we can turn around. To compare, food waste has a much larger footprint compared to polluting plastic straws. Waste Transformers' solution enables businesses to show their dedication to sustainable entrepreneurship.

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