Need for Circular Jobs in Circular Transitions- South Africa's Upheaval after Turning to Renewables | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Policy case
Need for Circular Jobs in Circular Transitions- South Africa's Upheaval after Turning to Renewables

Decommissioning coal-powered energy plants in Komati, South Africa is essential if the government is to meet its commitment to reach net-zero carbon-dioxide emissions by 2050, and yet these closures also put tens of thousands of jobs at risk. Potentially destabilizing around the whole country, it’s a recipe for a dangerous economic and political upheaval that’s prompted the government and industry to sign on to the concept of a “just energy transition”—an attempt to create new employment and win public buy-in for the impending change. Despite the upheaval and future potential effort for improvement, for now, it is still unclear how these issues will be solved in Komati. South Africa's struggle highlights how circular practices need to come hand in hand with circular social change such as creating secure circular jobs.

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