Added: Feb 23, 2021
Last edited: Jan 22, 2025 offers rental/ leasing of coveralls for children in kindergarten age.
The coveralls have been especially designed to last long and be durable for a child playing outside in all kinds of weather.
The coveralls have been designed with reuse in mind and fit, quality materials, movement and function were important.
In Norway, kindergarden children spend most of their time playing outdoors. But Norway can have a harsh climate, with both snow, rain and sun. The clothing therefore needs to be durable and waterproof.
Children grow quickly, so buying clothes can be difficult as they soon outgrow their size.
This can lead to high consumption and costs for parents.
Renting a coverall for your child instead of buying.
Through renting, the child will have the clothing necessary.
the parents will save money and materials.
The coveralls are designed with reuse in mind. They have exchangeable parts and will be reused over many years and children.
The coverall also has a exchangeable