SwitchMed Programme: Supporting sustainable consumption and production practices for a circular economy in the Mediterranean | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Policy case
SwitchMed Programme: Supporting sustainable consumption and production practices for a circular economy in the Mediterranean

‘’The SwitchMed initiative aims at achieving a circular economy in the southern Mediterranean by changing the way goods and services are produced and consumed. In order to achieve this, the initiative provides tools and services directly to the private sector, supports an enabling policy environment, and facilitates exchange of information among partners and key stakeholders.' [1]

Additional information

Under the Switch Med programme, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) provided advisory services and technical support to eight Mediterranean countries (Algeria, Lebanon, Morocco, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Palestine and Tunisia) in the development of their Sustainable Consumption and Production National Action Plans (SCP-NAPs). https://switchmed.eu/policy/scp-naps-monitoring-implementation/morocco/

[1] https://switchmed.eu/

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