Quito Participatory Urban Agriculture Project | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Business case
Quito Participatory Urban Agriculture Project

The Participatory Urban Agriculture Project (AGRUPAR), launched by the municipality of Quito and funded by international stakeholders, was born out of a pilot project that aimed to increase food production from home gardens, establish community plant nurseries and promote the recycling and reuse of organic municipal waste—all intended to improve local food security. The programme facilitates agriculture practiced by community groups, families and schools, migrants and refugees, centres for the elderly or disabled, single mothers and abandoned children. Local and national government departments, universities, development agencies and NGOs have all contributed to its implementation. AGRUPAR has been defined as a highly successful initiative, bringing together 12 250 urban and peri-urban farmers, as well as 380 community-based organisations. Currently, the project has spurred the creation of over one thousand community gardens and 314 livestock production units, with total annual production reaching 400 tonnes.