Leading Circular: Pathways for Evolving Apparel and Textile Businesses from Linear to Circular. | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation

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Leading Circular: Pathways for Evolving Apparel and Textile Businesses from Linear to Circular.

The Renewal Workshop presents tested pathways to bring circular practices inside of your company in ways that align with your culture and business priorities.


There is an absence of systems to recover value from products that have been manufactured and that retailers and brands cannot sell. This leads to a waste problem, a negative environmental impact on the planet, financial loss for brands, and missed opportunities for the consumer.


The Renewal System is a collaborative development process that relies on leading, forward-thinking brands committed to new sustainable approaches.

It is a zero-waste system that recovers the full value from what has already been created as a way of serving customers, partners, and the planet. The system takes discarded apparel and textiles and turns them into renewed products, upcycled materials, or recycling feedstock. Data is collected on everything that flows through the system and is given back to brand partners to help them improve the production and design of future products. 

When items first arrive, they are cleaned using Tersus's advanced waterless cleaning technology.

50% of reconditioned products are then professionally repaired.

Products are reviewed, approved, and then certified as renewed.

Items are co-branded to let the customer know they meet the renewed and original brand standards.

Waste reduction is tracked, and the impact results are reported twice a year.


• 82% of textile waste can be cleaned, repaired, and resold, leading to new sales opportunities.


•18% of garments initially deemed as “waste” actually need to be recycled.


The Renewal Workshop has diverted 285K pounds of textiles from landfills as of June 2020's Renewal Impact Report.

Additional information

The Renewal Workshop system is set up to handle repairs on specific branded clothing at a production level; it is not a repair shop for individual repairs. However, extending the life of clothes is important to the company, and therefore, they conduct research and provide information for individuals to repair their clothes via https://www.ifixit.com/Device/Clothing.

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