Added: Oct 01, 2020
Last edited: Oct 05, 2021
The Resources and Waste Plan 2018 is a statutory management document that is produced every four years for initiatives covering households, businesses and public institutions.
Its main objectives are to reduce waste, increase recycling rates, and remove plastic waste from the City of Copenhagen’s incineration stream (City of Copenhagen 2012o). Copenhageners should: generate less waste, increase direct reuse, recycle more and incinerate less.
Resource Consciousness Procurement consists of deposit-refund schemes for packaging and requirements in procurement policies to prevent waste.
SYDHAVN RECYCLING CENTRE is a centre for innovation, knowledge, and green growth in the resource and waste field. The recycling activities of the centre work as a laboratory for new measures with focus on waste as a resource.
Extra-curricular education
Conduct research
Roadmaps and strategies and targets
Develop circular criteria for public procurement of assets
Develop infrastructure to support resource cycling
Tradable permits