Circular Construction: The Foundation Under a Renewed Sector | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Article / Report
Circular Construction: The Foundation Under a Renewed Sector
The circular Construction and demolition sector is set up radically differently than the current, linear chain. Construction is an important economic engine, but also one of the largest consumers of resources and energy. Smarter and more efficient resource management is also crucial, then, in order to continue to make prosperity possible. The circular economy is a framework for managing scarcity and to let prosperity flourish, safely within important limits that protect the planet. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate how we can apply the assumptions of a circular economy to the Construction and demolition sector, and thereby create opportunities for businesses. This report is intended for both entrepreneurs and investors. See it as a first impetus, an invitation to involve all the players in the sector in the realisation of the circular economy Read more at:
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