Community Kitchen: food rescue and redistribution | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Business case
Community Kitchen: food rescue and redistribution

Community Kitchen is a pilot project that reduces food waste through food rescue and redistribution activities. The project's vision can be summarised by the phrase ‘Eat What is Already There’.


Agricultural production is well-known for its negative impacts on the local and global environment, as it not only contributes to climate change through methane and other GHG, but also leads to nitrate pollution in air and water environments. As such, a substantial part of Munich’s carbon footprint is embedded in imported food products. Therefore, it is essential to rethink Munich’s food consumption habits and its worldwide impact on producing countries, in addition to local agricultural practices.


Around 15,000 kilogrammes of food is donated to the Community Kitchen from producers, processors or wholesalers at the end of each day, including fresh vegetables, fruits, meat and other staple foods. With these ingredients, fresh, healthy and seasonal meals are prepared and consumed in the facility or by public canteens distributing them in schools, hospitals, retirement homes and universities. To increase their impact, the Community Kitchen also focuses on providing knowledge and raising awareness about food waste and ways to avoid it to all stakeholders.


The project saves around 15 tonnes of food from the bin every week. This reduces GHG emissions and allows for the using of fewer resources to satisfy peoples' needs.

Relevant links
Community Kitchen
Key elements of the circular economy
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

food waste

waste valorization