Circlolink digital product passport via RFiD Threads® | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Business case
Circlolink digital product passport via RFiD Threads®
Washable RFID THREADS® Digital Product Passport (DPP) links products from raw materials to feedstock, including traceability, authenticity, and circularity.
Textile waste and industries working in silos need to connect the resource recovery sector with the fashion and homewares sector to repair, reuse, redesign, remake, rent, and resale before recycling. Circular initiatives are conflated to make brands appear to be improving in other areas that are not transparent, such as the Modern Slavery Act and Living Wage, which should remain separated. Circular economy initiatives can often be just recycling downstream or using rPET, downcycling, and recycling synthetics that continue to cause plastic microfibre pollution; chemicals are not isolated, and there are no automated sorting solutions to identify impurities such as forever chemicals. Sorting is costly. Waste going to landfill, waste being diverted from landfill's mitigation is not calculated. The problem is that brands will pay different prices without combining orders to create a bulk 100 million RFID Thread order. To combine would ensure equitable prices and access; from students to multinationals at the same USD$.0.11 cents per RFID Thread and free acceCIRCAA app cloud platform access ss to the CIRCAA app cloud platform for 2 years. Lastly, this is the only solution that can add bulk scanned data along the lifecycle and give real-time data on product longevity once it reaches recycling. RFID Threads can be easily located, removed, reset, reused or recycled as e-waste.
CIRCLOLINK is a communication and circular economy finance platform. It is a holistic, interconnected solution that provides two smart techs, Digital Product Passport (DPP) tools and a data-driven software app, to connect products to a circular economy and facilitate an interconnected ‘economy’ for circularity. Both closed and free open source, the Circlolink cloud app connects via digital “bridges” to link products to circularity and collects data on the product's journey, just like a real Passport. RFiD THREADS® DPP is the B2B tool. Bulk scans 1000s of products instantly, first connecting to a brand's Supply Chain Management. The SCM “digital bridge” is disconnected by request or at Point-of-Sale to retain agreed Base Data and become open source, giving free access to “R-cycles” providers. RFiD THREADS® connects supply chains with reverse logistics value chains, including the R-cycles resource recovery sector, before sorting and recycling. B2C tools connect consumers to local and international circular providers based on best-case emissions mitigation determined through metrics. Fashion/apparel/uniforms, accessories, footwear, homewares, interior design, commercial healthcare, hospitality, mattresses, toys, and thickest RFiD THREADS® for carpet, tires etc. Base Data is entered into the CIRCAA app cloud platform to stay with the product and collect real-time data throughout the entire lifecycle. Circlolink solution is a hybrid DPP, linking the RFiD THREADS® with a unique QR Code for customer engagement. It collects LCA, longevity, and mitigation reporting data along its lifecycle. It offers accurate EPR, compliance, SDGs, and metrics for brands, stakeholders, and government. It stays with products to collect real-time data throughout their lifecycle and maximize brand ROI through efficient returns and partnerships to rent, repair, resell, reuse, and redesign before finally recycling, remanufacturing, regenerating, and repurposing. Bulk scan 1000s instantly, read by CIRCAA Cloud Platform, connects to brands' supply chain management software, then disconnects by request or at point-of-sale to become open source. RFiD THREADS® Base Data is then readable in bulk by commercial UHF scanners to collect additional circular pathway data, e.g., for rental, repair, resale, reuse, and redesign, and then scanned for semi-automated and automated sorting to be recycled. It facilitates semi-automated and automated sorting according to fibre and chemical composition to support safer feedstocks (e.g., RFID Threads 10cm metal thread is recovered to reset, reuse, or recycle as e-waste).
Circlolink creates government, industry, and consortium partnerships to link the circular economy via a world-first digital product passport designed for both B2B and B2C. The QR Codes and NFC rings are single-scan products that engage customers and create brand loyalty, helping citizens learn what to do when "the relationship is over."
Additional information
CIRCLOLINK is a listed Digital Product Passport supplier on the EU Commission’s Cirpass since December 2023. Alison Jose, CEO of Adetex.CS is invited to be a CIRPASS-2 Expert Working Group partner starting mid-May 2024.
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