ReMade in Italy® | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation
Business case
ReMade in Italy®

ReMade in Italy® is a non-profit, non-governmental organization aimed to promoting recycled products through independent thirdparty certification. ReMade in Italy® was found in 2009 and in 2013 Accredia (Italian National Accreditation Body) recognized it as the first certification scheme in Italy and Europe to verify the recycled content in a product. ReMade in Italy represents a useful tool for Public administrations and companies, to identify the recycled products for “Green public procurement”, made mandatory in Italy by the law (Legislative Decree 50/2016).


48 million tones of clothing are disposed worldwide every year. 73% are incinerated, 12% is reused, 12% is downcycled, and only less then 1% is turned into new clothes. This low percentage can be partially expalined by the incapacity of companies to communicate on their recycling commitment.


ReMade in Italy® is the first accredited product certification in Italy and Europe to verify the content of recycled material in a product. Certification attests the traceability of production, starting from the verification of the source of input raw materials, to the finished product, representing a tool for transparency and simplification for Green Public Procurement and the private market. ReMade in Italy certification is independent and recognised by Accredia: this means that the Association is not involved in any relationship between the Company and the Certification Body which make the audit. The Certification Body is observed and trained by Accredia, the only national Accreditation Body in Italy. This ensures maximum confidence in informations contained in the certification; that’s why Remade in Italy certification can be used as evidence to participate in «Green Procurement» (mandatory by italian Legislative Decree 50/2016).


At the end of the certification process, a label can be issued to the Company, showing product’s recycled material content, with the assignment of the relevant class. The label also explain the environmental impacts resulting from the recycling process, in terms of reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and energy saving in comparison with the production of the same item with raw materials. The label can be directly affixed to the finished product, in its data sheets and Reports, for a strong communication with consumers, ever more environmentally aware.

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