Added: Jan 11, 2023
Last edited: Jan 17, 2025
Urmi set up a waste management system as a step towards its journey towards zero waste to landfill.
48 million tones of clothing are disposed worldwide every year. 73% are incinerated, 12% is reused, 12% is downcycled, and only less then 1% is turned into new clothes.
Urmi introdued a group waste management policy emphasizing the classification, segregation, storage and disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste produced through internal operations. This in turn helps reducing the amount of waste. The company argues that tracking and segregation of the waste are the most important steps towards the elimination of waste. Eliminating waste has aided the company in reducing over processing and over production.
While waste that is fit for reuse is reused internally, waste to be recycled is sold to third party recyclers through a partnerhsip between Urmi and Reverse recycle.
As a result of this system, in 2020Urmi:
- recycled 8.26 Ton of waste
- reused 319 Ton of waste
- converted 302 Ton of waste to energy
For more info go to the link at pages 92-95:
Material efficiency
Reusable, recyclable materials and inputs
Sale of refillable parts
Design for resource efficiency
Design for disassembly
Design for recycling