Added: May 05, 2022
Last edited: Apr 06, 2023
Packa-Ching operates a mobile separation-at-source recycling service. They collect used recyclable packing material from informal settlements and low-income communities to create a cleaner environment. At the same time, Packa-Ching contributes to poverty alleviation by paying community members for their used recyclable packaging. They also provide their community members with education on recycling and proper waste management.
This case study has been created as part of Footprints Africa's work to build a comprehensive open-source database of circular economy initiatives in Africa. We are doing this in collaboration with the African Circular Economy Network (ACEN), as part of our programme to support the circular economy transition in Africa.
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Prioritise regenerative resources
Stretch the lifetime
Use waste as a resource
Team up to create joint value
Regenerative materials
Maximise lifetime of products after use
Community collaboration
Reusable, recyclable materials and inputs
Part recovery
Training on the circular economy
Joint product development
Education and Curriculum
Strengthen and advance knowledge
waste management
used recyclable packaging material