Dynamic road use in Copenhagen and Barcelona | Knowledge Hub | Circle Economy Foundation

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Approved by curator

Policy case
Dynamic road use in Copenhagen and Barcelona

To improve road use during different times of the day and levels of traffic, cities can make use of intelligent LED lights or other innovation, to better adapt to the road situation in real-time.


Sometimes road use can be inadequate to the real-time situation, particularly regarding the different times of the day, or the blending of all road users.


Both the city of Barcelona and Copenhagen have started to experiment intelligent LED lights in the road that signal rules in the real time, such as which form of transport has priority on the road, and when. In Barcelona, six boulevards alternate between restricting general traffic, freight, and residential parking. In Copenhagen, the cycling tracks can be widened during morning rush hour and then contracted when there are more pedestrians. It is thus the street that follows the natural rhythm of the city instead of the other way around.


Such experiences are expected to improve the transport flows and to revitalise certain areas.

Additional information

Photo by City clock magazine on Flickr

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